Have Your Say - Western Cape Peoples Bill

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: The DA are threatening to vote against the WC Peoples Bill and to deny the WC People the right to make decisions for themselves. Have your say.

WC Peoples Bill Now Open for Public Comment

The public participation process for the Western Cape Peoples Bill is now open and you have until 7 August 2023 to have your say.

The Bill will allow the Western Cape people the right to make decisions for themselves by formally claiming the right of self-determination which is already contained in the Western Cape and South African Constitutions, and in several international treaties which South Africa has ratified since 1994.

Self-determination simply means that we have a final say in how we are governed and will allow the Western Cape to demand the devolution of powers such as policing and rail, or to demand federal autonomy, or to demand our independence. All of these options would be premised upon the democratic consent of the majority of Western Cape voters.

This is very significant since in 2019 the DA were elected on the promise of delivering the devolution of policing and rail, something which they have failed to do. This is because the ANC-led national government has refused to delegate those power despite repeatedly being asked by the DA-led Western Cape Government to do so.

Remarkably, the DA seem intent on voting against this bill (which has tabled by the Freedom Front Plus) and at the CIAG we are furious about this. It would be a betrayal of the Western Cape people.

Have your say!

Have your say

You can give YOUR input in the following ways:

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About CIAG: We are a non-profit organisation committed to democratically, lawfully and peacefully obtaining independence for the collective peoples of the Western Cape. Support our work: please spread the word, register for our newsletter and donate.