PRESS ARTICLE: FF plus calls DA bluff, DA set to vote with ANC against WC federalism. Choice now, Cape Independence or ANC dominance.
PRESS STATEMENT: WC Peoples Bill based on ideology not race and DA must not forget they named it
PRESS ARTICLE: How international politics are highlighting ideological differences between the Western Cape and the rest of South Africa
PRESS RELEASE: Radical challenge underway to South African constitutional order as both DA and VF Plus table bills in WC Provincial Parliament
PRESS RELEASE: CIAG welcomes DA's 'Western Cape Powers Bill' but cautions that without additional legislation it will be toothless.
PRESS RELEASE: Premier Winde again challenges the sovereign authority of South Africa
RIGHT TO REPLY: CIAG responds to an inaccurate and inflammatory article published by the Weekend Argus
NEWS ARTICLE: Jo'burg's puppet mayor a harbinger for post-2024 South Africa. Our system need an urgent and radical overhaul. Emerging consensus around federalism.
BLOG POST: Is it a pipe dream or can Cape Independence really happen? The answer is that it is already happening. Here's why.
PRESS ARTICLE: Western Cape self-determination - What are the implications of the recent UK Supreme Court judgement on a second Scottish Independence referendum?