What is Happening with the DA's Referendum Bill?

PROGRESS UPDATE: What is happening with the 'Referendum Bill' (Electoral Commission Amendment Bill)?


On 24 June 2021, DA chief whip Natasha Mazzone announced that the party had published their intention to table the 'Referendum Bill' (Official title: Electoral Commission Amendment Act) in the Government Gazette and called for comments to be submitted to parliament. The bill was designed to bring referendum legislation in line with the Western Cape and South African constitutions by enabling provincial premiers to call referendums in their provinces.

This bill had great significance to Cape Independence supporters who wish to see a referendum on Cape Independence called.

Mazzone subsequently reported that the response to parliament was both overwhelming and positive. The Speaker was deluged by written submissions in support of the bill.

Current Status of the Bill

Mazzone has confirmed to the CIAG that the bill has now officially been certified and the content deemed constitutional.

The next step is for the bill to be presented to the Home Affairs Committee where the DA and other interested parties (which will include the CIAG) will make verbal presentations in support of the bill. Mazzone has indicated that this is likely to happen in late July or early August towards the beginning of the third parliamentary term.

Providing the bill passes the committee stage without incident, a further short public participation process will follow. The full process for passing a bill into law can be viewed here.


The CIAG has urged the DA to communicate more effectively on the bill's progress, and will in turn keep supporters updated.

About CIAG: We are a non-profit organisation committed to democratically, lawfully and peacefully obtaining independence for the collective peoples of the Western Cape. Support our work: please spread the word, register for our newsletter and donate.