PRESS RELEASE - Legal Hurdles Preventing Referendum on Cape Independence to be Addressed by DA

Joint Press Statement by the Cape Independence Advocacy Group, CapeXit, the Cape Party and the Vryheidsfront Plus on the DA's proposed amendment to the Referendums Act

DA Addresses Legislative Hurdle Preventing a Referendum on Cape Independence – Independence Groups Respond.

Issued collectively by Phil Craig on behalf of the Cape Independence Advocacy Group (CIAG), CapeXit, the Cape Party, and the VryheidsfrontPlus (VF+).

12 June 2021 (For immediate release)

The Cape Independence Advocacy Group (CIAG), CapeXit, the Cape Party and the Vryheidsfront Plus (VF+) welcome the Democratic Alliance’s (DA) announcement yesterday that it is finalising a Private Members Bill (PMB) to amend the Referendums Act. This amendment would allow the Premier of the Western Cape to call a referendum on Cape Independence or any other matters of provincial interest.

The current Referendums Act is unconstitutional because it currently does not allow the Premier to call a referendum, despite the fact that he is empowered to do so by both clause 37(2)(f) of the Western Cape constitution, and clause 127(2)(f) of the National Constitution.

Bringing the Referendums Act in line with the constitution is a critical step in the path towards an independent Western Cape and would ultimately allow ordinary Western Cape voters the opportunity to make their views known.

Once the bill is before parliament, we will ask supporters of independence to express their support for the bill during the public participation process to help ensure that this bill is passed into law as soon as possible.

We call upon the African National Congress (ANC) to support this bill, ensuring that the constitutional rights of the people of the Western Cape are respected and upheld.


About CIAG: We are a non-profit organisation committed to democratically, lawfully and peacefully obtaining independence for the collective peoples of the Western Cape. Support our work: please spread the word, register for our newsletter and donate.