PRESS RELEASE: Calls for Referendum Intensify as 1000's Petition Winde on Cape Independence

PRESS RELEASE: Cape Town resounds to the sound of Freedom. Calls for Referendum Intensify as 1000's Petition Winde on Cape Independence

PRESS RELEASE: Calls for a Referendum Intensify as 1000’s Petition Winde on Cape Independence


The Western Cape Provincial Legislature was besieged by secessionists yesterday demanding that the Democratic Alliance (DA) make good on their promises to fix the referendum legislation, and to call a provincial referendum which includes a question on Cape Independence.

Well over 1000 protesters chanted ‘Free the Cape’ and ‘Where is Winde?’ as a petition signed by 3333 people was handed over to a representative of the Premier. The march, which had started at the Grand Parade, then proceeded up Long Street, around to the National Parliament, before arriving at the District 6 Museum where it paused to reflect on the province’s troubled past. Protesters prayed for forgiveness, healing, and the hope of a united and prosperous future in an independent Western Cape.

The march had an unmistakably Cape flavour. The diverse crowd represented the full spectrum of the Western Cape people, and young and old swayed to the beat of the marching band which led them throughout. There was a festival atmosphere and the march was entirely peaceful.

The march concluded back at the Grand Parade where the Cape Independence Advocacy Group (CIAG), CapeXit, the Swartland Aksie Groep, the Langeberg Unemployed Forum (LUF), the Cochoqua (a first nation clan), the Freedom Front Plus, and the Cape Independence Party addressed the crowd.

Phil Craig, spokesperson for the CIAG said, “We recognise that in the aftermath of the Local Government Elections the focus of the DA has shifted to national coalition politics, but it is important that the Western Cape’s right to self-determination does not become a casualty in the process. The DA have agreed that the question of Cape Independence is a matter for the Western Cape people to decide for themselves by means of a provincial referendum, and it is now critical that a referendum beheld as soon as possible. The next step must be for the DA to table their ‘Electoral Commission Amendment Bill’ before parliament as a matter of urgency.”

Photos of the march can be found on the CIAG’s website and higher definition versions are available upon request.

DATE: 28 April 2022

Phil Craig
Tel: 076 182 6148


About CIAG: We are a non-profit organisation committed to democratically, lawfully and peacefully obtaining independence for the collective peoples of the Western Cape. Support our work: please spread the word, register for our newsletter and donate.