It’s Independence or Nothing for me

FAQ: Why does the CIAG also talk about topics other than Cape Independence – It’s Independence or Nothing for me?

FAQ: Why does the CIAG also talk about topics other than Cape Independence – It’s Independence or Nothing for me?

At the CIAG we believe that Cape Independence is the only viable long-term solution for the Western Cape.

‘We have a problem, that nothing else can fix, when Cape Independence will”, (Phil Craig, Cape Town Press Club).
Cape Independence is Challenging to Achieve

We are also under no illusions about just how challenging it will be to deliver Cape Independence. It is a radical solution. Anyone who claims that there is some simple process has misunderstood the realities.

Cape Independence will be achieved through the cumulative effect of hundreds of smaller actions which when taken together will deliver the final victory.

For ardent supporters of Cape Independence some of these ‘baby steps’ may seem frustrating, or even unnecessary. Often they just want to get on with it. We understand this, but if we don’t carry the democratic majority with us, Cape Independence will be impossible.

More Support Needed

Whichever independence group or groups a person follows, they must recognise that all are still some way short of the level of support required.

The decision to support Cape Independence is a journey which will differ between individuals. For some this journey is easy, but for others it is extremely difficult.

Political Environment Important

Creating a political environment which guides people towards the realisation that Cape Independence is essential is just as critical as trying to convince people that secession is our only genuine option.

Throughout history very few wars have ever been won when the only tactic employed was a full-frontal assault. Victory usually requires a little more guile than that.

Encouraging political parties to take an increasingly radical approach to saving the Western Cape from South Africa, whilst forcing people to confront the ideological differences between the two jurisdictions is an essential component of our struggle.

About CIAG: We are a non-profit organisation committed to democratically, lawfully and peacefully obtaining independence for the collective peoples of the Western Cape. Support our work: please spread the word, register for our newsletter and donate.