Cape Independence – What is the plan for 2022?

What will the CIAG be doing in 2022? Register as an Advocate for Cape Independence.

What will the CIAG be doing in 2022?

The Cape Independence Advocacy Group (CIAG) will be focusing on four areas during 2022:

1. Securing a Referendum on Cape Independence

Cape Independence is conditional on the democratic will of the Western Cape people which must be demonstrated in a provincial referendum.

In 2021, the CIAG formally requested a referendum on Cape Independence, and the DA brought the Electoral Commission Amendment Act before parliament to clear the legislative hurdles that prevent a referendum from being held. Together with seven other political parties, the DA also agreed to support a referendum question on Cape Independence.

In 2022, it is critical that we support the passage of the ‘Referendum Bill’ through parliament, and to keep political pressure on the DA to ensure that when the bill is passed a referendum on Cape Independence is held.

2. Establishing the Right to Choose

In the run up to the local government election the ANC informed the CIAG that they did not believe that the Western Cape people had ‘democratic wishes’, and that only the South African people as a whole had a democratic will. Accordingly, they stated that in the event of an independence referendum, all South Africans must be allowed to vote. This is contrary to international norms.

In 2022, we need to firmly establish the rights of the Western Cape people to make their own choices. We intend to do this by forming a broad political alliance with other parties and organisations who support the Western Cape (and other provinces or groups) being able to make their own choices. Collectively, these groups account for about 65% of all Western Cape voters and are an incredibly powerful political force. Together we can campaign on a range of issues which will establish this precedent.

3. Highlighting the Ideological Divide

We know that the Western Cape and the rest of South Africa hold fundamentally different views but it is not something that receives enough attention.

In 2022, we will work hard to emphasise these differences by campaigning on a range of issues such as non-racialism (no BEE or AA), greater provincial autonomy, and a more market-based economy. These are the issues that we will be using to establish our right to choose.

The more the views of Western Cape voters are polarised around ideological issues, the more likely they are to vote for Cape Independence in the referendum.

4. Building an Army of Supporters

If we want Cape Independence, at some point soon we are going to have to take to the streets. Social media, newspaper articles and polling can only take us so far. Only when people can physically see support for Cape Independence will many start to believe secession is possible. It is also the only way to put political parties and the national government under real pressure.

In 2022, we are going to compile a database of Cape Independence supporters which we will then use to organise protests and marches with increasing regularity.

Become an Advocate for Cape Independence: Register here

About CIAG: We are a non-profit organisation committed to democratically, lawfully and peacefully obtaining independence for the collective peoples of the Western Cape. Support our work: please spread the word, register for our newsletter and donate.