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CIAG Position Paper - 2024 Elections
REFERENCE DOCUMENT: CIAG explains the 'behind the scenes' discussions with the DA which have reluctantly led it to advise Cape Independence supporter to vote against the DA in 2024
February 5, 2024
Winde says "NO" to Cape Independence Referendum
PRESS RELEASE: WC Premier Winde has dismissed the wishes of 68% of WC citizens on a Cape Independence referendum because he personally doesn't like the idea.
February 5, 2024
DA Instructs Lawyers over Cape Independence Social Media Post
PRESS STATEMENT: Censorship or Trademark infringement? Is the DA trying to bully the CIAG into silence over the DA's Cape Independence referendum promises?
February 5, 2024
Dear Premier Winde, Call a Cape Independence Referendum on Election Day 2024
OPEN LETTER: Honour your constitutional oath to act in the best interests of the WC people. It's time to ask those people whether they want their independence from South Africa.
February 5, 2024
No More Prevarication - Referendum Ultimatum to be Delivered
PRESS RELEASE: WC Premier Winde to be given 7 days to honour DA's 2021 pre-election promise and to call a Cape Independence referendum on election day 2024
February 5, 2024
Time for DA to Deliver on Independence Referendum Promise
NEWS UPDATE: "I'll be like David Cameron" - DA leader John Steenhuisen promised CIAG a referendum on Cape Independence ahead of the 2021 elections.
February 5, 2024
Phil Craig
PRESS CONFERENCE: Text of CIAG's Reaction to 2023 Polling Results
PRESS CONFERENCE: Text of comments delivered by CIAG spokesperson Phil Craig. Link to video.
February 5, 2024
PRESS RELEASE: Support for Independence Referendum reaches 68% in New Poll
PRESS RELEASE: CIAG and partners to call for Cape Independence Referendum on election day 2024 as new poll shows 68% now in support of a public vote.
February 5, 2024
Cape Independence Polling Results for 2023
Cape Independence Advocacy Group Poll - August 2023
February 5, 2024
Multi-party charter welcome but unlikely to unseat ANC
PRESS RELEASE: CIAG welcomes multi-party charter but says Western Cape should plan for the ANC to be in government nationally post-2024
February 5, 2024
WC Provincial Bills - DA's Bluff Called on Federalism
PRESS ARTICLE: FF plus calls DA bluff, DA set to vote with ANC against WC federalism. Choice now, Cape Independence or ANC dominance.
February 5, 2024
Phil Craig
Have Your Say - Western Cape Peoples Bill
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: The DA are threatening to vote against the WC Peoples Bill and to deny the WC People the right to make decisions for themselves. Have your say.
February 5, 2024
Open Letter to all Western Cape MPPs
PRESS STATEMENT: CIAG writes to all WC MPPs - honour the WC Constitution, put the WC people above party politics, & vote for the WC Peoples Bill
February 5, 2024
PRESS STATEMENT: DA Gave WC Peoples Bill its Name
PRESS STATEMENT: WC Peoples Bill based on ideology not race and DA must not forget they named it
February 5, 2024
Devolution of Rail Welcome but PRASA Already Broken
PRESS RELEASE: CIAG welcomes devolution of rail but says ultimately Cape Independence is the only viable long-term solution.
February 5, 2024
WC Peoples Bill Tabled by Freedom Front Plus
PRESS RELEASE: Devolution and Federalism now DA and not ANC decisions as FF Plus table 'WC Peoples Bill' in Provincial Parliament
February 5, 2024
DA Finally Tables Referendum Bill
PRESS RELEASE: CIAG welcomes DA tabling referendum bill but wants to know will there be a referendum on Cape Independence, YES or NO?
February 5, 2024
Geopolitics Strengthen Calls for Cape Independence
PRESS ARTICLE: How international politics are highlighting ideological differences between the Western Cape and the rest of South Africa
February 5, 2024
Phil Craig
Western Cape on Brink of Full Federal Autonomy
PRESS RELEASE: Radical challenge underway to South African constitutional order as both DA and VF Plus table bills in WC Provincial Parliament
February 5, 2024
CIAG welcomes 'Western Cape Powers Bill'
PRESS RELEASE: CIAG welcomes DA's 'Western Cape Powers Bill' but cautions that without additional legislation it will be toothless.
February 5, 2024